The Lausanne Movement, known around the world for its historic congresses and thought leadership in global mission spanning the last five decades, has unveiled its refreshed brand identity. The updated look and feel reflects the Movement’s evolution and growth while staying true to its core values and mission.
The new brand identity has been designed to enhance Lausanne’s appeal and resonate with its growing global audience. It represents the brand’s commitment to innovation and modernisation while preserving the trust and credibility it has built over the years.

Lausanne’s refreshed identity includes a new logo, colour palette, and typography that is more modern, dynamic, and versatile. The new logo is a symbol of Lausanne’s vision for the future with a focus on bringing people together to accelerate global mission, with its sweeping arc representing a school of fish (expanding on the singular fish in the previous logo) as well as a globe. With a number of different coloured and sized dots, motifs of unity and beauty amidst diversity can be seen.
But beyond the visual aspects, Lausanne’s brand has been refreshed to the very core. Over the last three years, leaders from across the Movement together with expert consultants have spent time working through crucial questions to clarify and sharpen the essence and key characteristics of the Lausanne brand. Through this process Lausanne’s leadership has reaffirmed its commitment to an organisation that is marked by:
Clear commitment to God’s Word as the foundation and fuel
Polycentric leadership that presents a shared platform to the global church
Curated insights that reveal and release best practices and stories of God at work around the world
Collaborative opportunities to engage on God’s mission together
A posture of encouraging and challenging the global church to faithful obedience to the Great Commission
‘Our refreshed brand identity represents a new season for Lausanne, as we continue to evolve and grow,’ said Michael Oh, global executive director and CEO. ‘We wanted a brand that reflects our sustained values, represents our growth, and is relevant to our target audience. The new brand identity achieves all of these goals and more.’
The target audience of the Lausanne Movement continues to be influencers who are passionate about accelerating global mission and want to do something about it. A point of growth, however, is a renewed understanding of influence, realising that influence today is not necessarily tied to positions of power or status, but rather linked to following and the ability to effect change—be that on a macro or micro level. With that in mind, almost anyone has the potential to be an influencer—from seminary presidents in the United States to homemakers in Southeast Asia, church planters in Oceania, construction workers in the Middle East, and prayer warriors in Africa.
Lausanne’s refreshed identity will be rolled out across all its touchpoints, including its website, social media channels, marketing collaterals, and gatherings—both online and in-person—over the coming weeks.
‘We are excited to introduce our refreshed brand identity to our stakeholders,’ said Russ Martin, Lausanne’s chief communications officer. ‘Our new brand identity represents the Lausanne Movement looking towards the future, considering what the world will be like in 2050, and asking how we can make the best contribution with what God has given us to steward, building on the legacy of 50 years of championing global mission.’
What should the global church take away from this change? Martin sees the change as both an invitation and a signal. ‘This represents a much broader invitation into God’s mission for believers everywhere, especially through collaborative action. Lausanne is signalling a much greater intentionality of a comprehensive, coordinated, and collaborative global mission.’
About the Lausanne Movement
Founded in 1974 following the First International Congress on World Evangelization convened by Billy Graham and John Stott, the Lausanne Movement has been serving the global church for nearly 50 years.
Lausanne has a global leadership team of nearly 300 global mission experts, practitioners, and professionals who are committed to accelerating global mission toward a vision of the gospel for every person, disciple-making churches for every people and place, Christlike leaders for every church and sector, and kingdom impact in every sphere of society.
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