Arnold Enns is the president of COICOM (Iberoamerican Confederation of Communicators, Pastors and Christian Leaders). He has degrees in theology and business administration and a master’s degree in communication. COICOM is a movement that represents thousands of Christian communicators and leaders, networking with over 10,000 active leaders throughout the Spanish-speaking world. In addition to the busy annual congress, COICOM has regional activities that are conducted throughout the year in many cities in Latin America. COICOM also collaborates with national associations of evangelical pastors and communicators worldwide. He organizes annual conferences, fundraising, PR, and services for members of COICOM.
He has pastored several churches in different countries and also serves as a consultant and coach for various organizations and business. Arnold Enns has formidable contacts and is very well-connected with leaders from across the continent. COICOM also represents more than 3,000 evangelical radio stations, approximately 1,500 TV stations, and over 1,000 periodicals. Arnold is married with two children and currently lives in Paraguay.