Bill Dindi was born and raised in Kenya. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science and Community Development from Kenyatta University—Nairobi, an M.A. in Transformational Leadership from the Global Academy for Transformational Leadership and an M.A. in Biblical and Theological studies from the International Leadership University (ILU)—Kenya. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies at Biola University, USA.
Bill has served with Life Ministry Kenya (Campus Crusade for Christ International) for 15 years, holding various positions and serving in national and regional teams concerned with ministry to students. He currently serves as Dean of Students at ILU—Kenya, Africa, is continental director for Leader-Impact NEXT, and co-catalyst of the Lausanne Movement’s International Students Ministry issue network, among other roles.
Bill is married to Nancy, and they have three children: Savannah, Johari, and Ariel. They live in Nairobi, Kenya.