Chun Chung is adjunct professor of missions at the Andrew Jumper Post-Graduate Center of Mackenzie Presbyterian University in São Paulo, Brazil. Chung earned a PhD from the Reformed Theological Seminary, a MA in New Testament from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, a MDiv from Seminário Teológico Presbiteriano JMC, and a bachelors degree in philosophy from São Judas Tadeu University. His special areas of interest include biblical theology of missions, biblical hermeneutics, global Christianity, and church planting. He has authored many academic articles in Portuguese as well as the book Primordial Missions: The foundations of missions in Genesis 1-11.
Chung was raised in Brazil as a missionary kid whose family moved from South Korea when he was four years old. He has over 20 years of pastoral experience in São Paulo and serves as the founding pastor at Alphaville Metropolitan Presbyterian Church, a strategic church plant in one of the most affluent neighbourhoods in the suburbs.