YouVersion Digital Bible Engagement

A New Medium
The rise of digital media is potentially as transformative to Scripture engagement as the advent of the printing press in Early Modern Europe. Technological developments always impact how Christians interact with the Bible.
YouVersion’s research shows constant growth in online Bible reading. Less evident, however, is growth in engagement in the interactive possibilities of digital media like note taking and verse sharing, or other ways of capitalizing on digital media’s social and creative capabilities.
The rise of smart phone usage around the world opens access to the Bible in new ways, especially in sensitive contexts. Unequal internet access, however, remains a barrier.
A New Orality
Digital technologies give rise to what many call the ‘new orality.’ Bible applications allow people around the world to hear, as opposed to read, the Bible in their heart language.
New Tactics
Experimentation in strategic delivery of digital Scriptures has recently produced an interesting observation. Distribution of targeted single language Bible apps increases the engagement levels over multi-language apps.
Single Language Bible App Installs

Multi-language Apps