To effectively engage with creation care and issues of climate change, we need children to join us in our efforts. How can the church come alongside children to support and encourage them to engage with these critical issues? Join us on 05 December at 14.30 CEST for our webinar, ‘God’s Heart for Children: Engaged in Creation Care’.
This webinar will unpack the main themes of the eighth chapter of the book God’s Heart for Children, which helps equip you in your calling and ministry with and for children, and is part of a longer series of webinars on the topic held throughout 2023. All are welcome to attend this webinar.
The webinars are facilitated by a collaborative team from the Lausanne Movement’s Children and Family Network and Children-at-Risk Network, Viva, All Nations Christian College, the Global Children’s Forum, and Langham Publishing. The team hopes this series will engage, encourage, equip, and connect those in ministry to children in a variety of contexts globally.
For an opportunity to hear from these highly experienced presenters and participate in discussion, register below.

Photo: Photo by Robert Collins