Importance of the Great Commission
“The average Christian believes sharing the Gospel is:”

Optional Commission
When a survey asked 1,500 global Christian leaders about the level of commitment to the Great Commission in their region, the results did not showcase the importance of the Great Commission. Leaders in Africa, Asia, and Latin America perceived that 30-40 percent of Christians saw the Great Commission as optional.
This number is even higher in the North America, Europe and Australia with leaders perceiving that approximately 50 percent of Christians hold the Great Commission as optional. These perceptions also extend to the church with global leaders observing that approximately 50 percent of churches in their region are not united by a shared commitment to the Great Commission.
United Commitment
“In your perception, are the local churches in your context united by a shared commitment to the Great Commission in your region?”

Knowledge of the Great Commission
“If you asked four average Christians in your region, how many would be able to tell you what the Great Commission is?”

Limited Preparedness
The majority of the 1,500 global Christian leaders surveyed believe that less than half of the Christians in their region would be able to say what the Great Commission is.
Less than half are prepared to share the Gospel.
When considering individuals in their churches, the Lausanne leaders surveyed perceived that less than half of people in their church felt prepared to share the gospel. There is an observable correlation between perceived lack of discipleship in the Great Commission and perceived gospel preparedness.
Great Commission Preparedness
“What percentage of members in your local church would say they feel prepared to share the Gospel with others?”

Frequency of Great Commission Teaching
“In your perception, how often do churches teach the Great Commission in your region?”

Effective Teaching
In the perception of 1500 global Christian leaders, 65-80 percent of leaders perceived that churches teach the Great Commission ‘often’ or on a ‘semi-regular’ basis. Yet, when asked how active Christians in their context are in the gospel proclamation, leaders responded that they felt less than 15-20 percent of Christians are ‘very active.’ Further they perceived that 35-40 percent of Christians in their context ‘never/rarely’ proclaim the gospel. Across the globe, the surveyed leaders felt individuals under 30 participate less in gospel proclamation. Observing that most leaders felt that the Great Commission is taught regularly in their context, but yet also feel large portions of the church are not very active in gospel proclamation brings forth questions about the effectiveness of current Great Commission discipleship.
Great Commission Participation
“In your context, how active are Christians in different generations in Gospel Proclamation?”