Missionaries Sent and Received

Source: World Christian Database, Accessed March 2023; *Estimated numbers of missionaries
Polycentric Mission
Mission is now from every continent to every continent. With the exception of Europe, every region in the world both sends and receives more missionaries than fifty years ago.
Mission is increasingly decoupled from its Western colonial legacy, with more missionaries coming from countries that lack Christian majorities.
Left out of these statistics is the explosion of short-term missionaries, especially from North America, whose impact and experience differ markedly from missionaries who embed themselves in a cross-cultural setting for several years or more.
Indigenous Equipping
National workers are those who minister cross-culturally in their own country. This emphasis on equipping and sending indigenous ministers is an important trend in global missions.
Distribution of National Workers
Key same as above and below (% of Total)

Missionaries Sent Per Christian Capita

Top Missionary Activity

Source: World Christian Database, Accessed March 2023