
Pioneering and Unreached People Groups

20 Jun 2024 Online

Is reaching unreached people groups still the way forward in 2024? Is pioneering still necessary? Join us in this webinar on 20 June at 14:00 GMT | 10:00 EDT  to learn more about unreached people groups, and how the global church can touch them with the love of Christ.

Time: 14:00 GMT | 10:00 EDT | Date: Jun 20, 2024

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Whatever you think about the UPG paradigm, this webinar will focus on the fact that there are still over 3 billion people who lack access to a relevant gospel-sharing community in thousands of peoples around the world, even in this era of ‘world Christianity’. While much has been done over the last 50 years, clearly much remains. 

This webinar will explain why pioneering and unreached people groups cannot be forgotten by the not-yet-truly-global church, and will also give some contemporary testimonies of how the Holy Spirit is working through simple people to spread the beauty of Christ and the fragrance of the gospel into new peoples and places. 

We trust you will walk away from the webinar fully convinced that the Holy Spirit is still stirring us with ‘ambition to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named.’ (Romans 15:20)