Wycliffe Caribbean
Since Cape Town 2010 I have had a number of opportunities to discuss both the Lausanne Covenant and the Commitment in a number of forums including ministerial seminary students at the Jamaica Theological Seminary. These documents make excellent teaching and coaching material for persons desirous of becoming more deeply involved in pastoral, evangelism and missions activities. I have found that the material has an energising impact on individuals and brings a clear perspective to the quality, scope and importance of the task of world evangelization that is before us.
To complete the task of mission and evangelism across that globe we indeed “must proclaim the Gospel of Christ” without fear and to do so effectively. It must be done with “humility, integrity and simplicity” so that we may indeed impact the lives of men and women everywhere in “alleviating physical suffering and helping them to avoid eternal suffering,” in the name of Jesus and for the Honour and Glory our Father in Heaven.
In His Precious Name,
John O. Roomes
Wycliffe Caribbean
(from email received September 5, 2011)
Child Evangelism Fellowship of Guyana
With regards to the Cape Town Commitment, our Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) Guyana chapter was involved this August in promoting a missionary from Uzbekistan. Offerings were collected to send to this missionary through the CEF of Europe office.
From September to December, 2011 we will be praying for a couple from Turkmenistan whom I met in one of the prayer rooms at Cape Town. As a result of my encounter with them I chose to pray for and help reach the Kazakh people. We are planning to raise finances through our regular Good News Clubs® (children discipleship program in collaboration with the local churches) across Guyana to send to Murad and Kumish to help them with their village outreach to believers suffering persecution from Islamic neighbours.
Our national board has undertaken to have the Kazakh people included in our national prayer strategy. In 2013 we also plan to start our TV program targeting children of other religious persuasions: Hindu, Muslim, Bahai, JW, Rastafarian etc.
Praying that our nations will see “Christ in the flesh” as we do “ministry”.
Vedawattie Ram
National Director
Child Evangelism Fellowship of Guyana
(from email received September 3, 2011)
CREW 40:4
(Below is an example of cross-cultural mission – bringing hope to HIV positive individuals and challenging the Church to practice tolerance towards those among them who are HIV positive).
I am happy to inform you that Musa Njoko, the South African member of the worship team from Cape Town, will be ministering in Jamaica from June 1-5.
From the evidence I have already seen and heard, Musa’s ministry is powerful, with the potential of impacting Jamaica at many levels. So far, the Jamaica Association of Evangelicals, Len Anglin from the Jamaica Umbrella Group of Churches, Errol Rattray, Jamaica Theological Seminary, Caribbean Graduate School of Theology have pledged their support. We are also partnering in some way with Students Christian Fellowship and Scripture Union, Jamaica Youth For Christ, Passion & Purity and quite likely the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission. In addition we have been dialoguing with organizations such as Jamaica Aids Support, Caribbean Vulnerable Communities Coalition, UNICEF, Eve for Life, and the Ministry of Health.
Here is the link to an article capturing the essence of Musa’s visit: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/A-God-given-mission_8960229.
I am about to begin a training conference on Arts in Missions. The opening programme includes a reading of the Cape Town Arts Manifesto. I will pass on as much information and see how we can move forward in the arts based on this.
Jo-Ann Richards
Executive Director CREW 40:4
(from email received September 4, 2011)
Grenada Women’s Parliamentary Caucus (GWPC)

My participation in Cape Town 2010 strengthened my resolve and gave me spiritual courage to work for increasing reconciliation in the political sphere, beginning with my sister parliamentarians.
Grenada’s politics, like the rest of the Caribbean, is characterized by divisiveness, bitterness and tribalism. As a believer and follower of Jesus Christ involved in the politics of my country for over twenty years and a Member of Parliament for ten years, I found the demeaning competitiveness, ugly rivalry and downright enmity which existed among political colleagues untenable, uncharitable and unchristian.
In assuming the position of President of the Senate in July 2008, I committed myself to be an agent of reconciliation – “the ministry of reconciliation” became an urgent priority and imperative (2 Cor.5:18).
After much prayer and reflection the idea of the formation of a Women’s Parliamentary Caucus was birthed. Bringing together women representing our various political parties was an undertaking that required divine intervention. With fear and trembling, I penned a letter to my “sister” parliamentarians – some twenty-five of the twenty-nine women (four being deceased) who had served in our Parliament from 1961 – 2011. Twenty of our past and present parliamentarians expressed interest in the Caucus and were ready to go. A small core group went to work to make this a reality. We were very clear that we wanted this initiative to be non-partisan with women leaders bringing to bear their gifts, strengths and energy to work on issues affecting women and their families in our nation state. We saw it as a significant space for cross-fertilization of ideas and an urgently needed community of women leaders working together for the common good – modeling to a younger generation of women a non-divisive portrait of service in the political arena.
By November 11, 2010, we were ready at our first Annual General Meeting to ratify a body of rules, aims and objectives which would guide our functioning and give legitimacy to our association, and to elect an Executive. I was unanimously elected chairwoman of the Caucus.
GWPC is intended as a mechanism for building consensus among its membership across party lines on a variety of issues. It will provide an opportunity for women to exchange and ensure the cross-fertilization of ideas, to form collective platforms on particular policies and actions, and to support one another on issues and areas of common concern.
The overall aim is to enhance democratic processes and strengthen legislatures by building the capacity of prospective female parliamentarians and leaders regardless of party affiliation.
Today, just about a year later, we have together achieved a number of significant goals and completed some important tasks:
- Celebration of Fifty Years of Women in Grenada’s Parliament 1961 -2011 – this event was very effective in strengthening bonds and affirming each other.
- A collation of profiles of Grenadian Women in Parliament 1961 – 2011
- A Seminar on “Transformational Leadership” for women involved in and interested in politics
- Visits to Secondary Schools to promote the 2011 Commonwealth theme of “Women as Agents of Change” and a debate and essay competition among youth parliamentarians on the same theme.
- “Women Parliamentarians and Friends in Concert” as a fundraising event.
- Weekend spiritual retreat entitled, “Awake Deborah and lead..” Judges 5:12a)
The Grenada Women’s Parliamentary Caucus has received much local publicity and has evoked widespread interest among the citizenry. This initiative of women politicians across party lines coming together and demonstrating to the community that we can be civil, respectful and productive has definitely had its impact. Grenada continues to watch us!
To God be the Glory!
Joan Purcell
October 2011
Errol Rattray Evangelistic Association
The Errol Rattray Evangelistic Association (EREA) was launched on November 28, 2000. Its focus is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, depending totally upon the Spirit of God to bring transformation into the lives of people. The Association carries out its mandate by working with local churches, not competing but complementing, to bring about greater unity in the body as it shares Christ to a dying world.
Prayer plays an integral role as the Association carries out the mission to those who are hurting and need deliverance. The Association seeks to help individuals with their social needs and depends on individuals who are moved by God to support the Ministry.
In keeping with the Great Commission of St. Matthew 28:19-20, EREA embarked on a vibrant evangelism and mission outreach for the year 2010 to 2011, continuing the mandate of reaching the nations for Christ.
The 3rd Lausanne Congress on World Evangelism was held on October 16-25, 2010 in Cape Town, South Africa. Over 5000 participants from more than 190 countries gathered to chart a new future for the global Christian faith. Evangelist Rattray was involved in the Cape Town World Conference and conducted a Crusade in Johannesburg in South Africa.
At the beginning of the year, January 29th to February 4th, The Alliance of Evangelical Churches in Grenada hosted a National Crusade at Morne Rouge Playing Field in Grand Anse with Evangelist Rattray being the guest speaker. The harvest was ripe as a number of persons gave their hearts to Christ. This was followed by Evangelist Rattary meeting with various leaders in Antigua from 5th– 9th of February. From the Crusade in Grenada, the Global Mission Symposium for Jamaica was conceptualized.
Partnership has been established with the Grenada Institute for Theological Education and the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Association of Evangelicals. This has led to Crusades being held in Grenada and St. Vincent, with Evangelist Rattray being the main speaker.
April 18-21, key leaders from across the world met in Lima, Peru to look at issues within the Church and also the Church’s response to some of these issues, such as the growth of the Muslim community.
May 11—13, Evangelist Rattray in fulfilling his mandate to reach lost souls for Christ, accepted an invitation from Tarrant Baptist Church to preach at their Crusade in Balmagie. Many persons came to know the Lord.
His involvement in Overseas Missions led him, Judith Johnston and Dr. Las Newman to a meeting of Lausanne Leaders in Boston where they represented the Caribbean. At this meeting, they received updated information on Evangelism and Missions in the world.
Evangelist Rattray was asked to be a member of the team representing Lausanne at this year’s CONECAR in Guyana.
The Global Mission Symposium which was formed out of the Grenada Crusades was held on July 5, 2011 in Jamaica in partnership with Caribbean Connect Global Mission Exchange Network (CCGMEN). Presenters were Rev. Courtney Street, Rev. Dr Peter Garth, Dr. Las Newman, Rev. John Roomes and Ms. Joann Richards.
(Excerpts from the EREA Summer 2011 Newsletter)
31 South Camp Road, Kingston 4, Jamaica
Tele – 876-922-7140 or 876-922-7141
Email – erea@cwjamaica.com