Pranitha Timothy is passionate about unconditionally loving our neighbors, which is the greatest commandment given to us. Over the decades, loving neighbors has led her to advocate for human rights for all and transformational development of trauma affected individuals and communities. She is a believer in integral mission and in the church being the good news to the poor.
Along with with her husband Timothy and their two children, Pranitha spearheads various projects in India, which include efforts to end domestic violence, child sexual abuse, and sex trafficking. She also helps the differently abled and those who cannot access or afford medical care. She first began working with life-sentenced prisoners, helping set up community and child development centers, and is most popularly known for her courageous documentations and rescue work that helped free thousands of bonded laborers.
She has been outspoken on matters of justice and community intervention both in India and around the world. Her past speaking engagements include the Global Leadership Summits in Chicago and Germany. She is also a ‘Trust Women Scholar’ awarded by Thomson Reuters, London. A German author has written her biography, Love Beyond Borders, about her journey of establishing justice and hope in this world.