Protestants and Independents

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% Of Global Christianity 2020

*These movements are found within the other Christian traditions Source: World Christian Encyclopedia pgs. 25-26, 2020

Shift Southward

Protestants are those belonging to denominations descended from the Protestant Reformation in Europe.

They include Baptists, Anglicans, Lutherans, Methodists, some Pentecostals, and many others.

More Protestants are now found in the Global South than Global North, with more Anglicans worshipping on a Sunday morning in Nigeria than in England.

Independents do not identify as Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant.

Independents are spread throughout the globe and are most conspicuous in contexts like China, Brazil, the United States, and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Global Protestants

Source: World Christian Encyclopedia, pg. 25, 2020

Protestant Fact Check

Source: World Christian Encyclopedia, pg. 25, 2020

Global Independents

Source: World Christian Encyclopedia, pg. 26, 2020

Independents Fact Check

Source: World Christian Encyclopedia, pg. 26, 2020