Empowered by the Holy Spirit to Spread the Gospel

The second day of the Fourth Lausanne Congress focused on the Holy Spirit’s role in empowering the global church for mission. This theme, central to the day’s programme, was explored through a Bible exposition by theologian Femi Adeleye, offering deep insights into the Spirit’s power in the early church and its continued relevance for today’s mission efforts.
Following Adeleye’s exposition, key speakers reflected on ‘God’s Mission Empowered by the Holy Spirit’ sharing testimonies of the Spirit’s work in diverse global contexts. Alongside the Holy Spirit focus, the day marked several important launches designed to expand opportunities for participants to engage and collaborate, including:
- Workplace Track – A track designed for those passionate about integrating faith and work that included 1,400 leaders.
- Collaborate: Listening to Current Realities – A four-session series dedicated to addressing key missional gaps.
- Digital Discovery Center – A space dedicated to exploring how digital tools are transforming global missions in innovative and impactful ways.
This is a call to global repentance. We are his bride, and we have been grieving his heart.
Sarah Breuel, Missiological Engagement: God’s Mission Empowered by the Holy Spirit
But the message of Moses and God’s Law, of Micah and the prophets, and of Jesus himself is that the pursuit of justice is not some add on, optional activity left to those few specialists. “Seek first God’s kingdom and God’s justice,” Jesus challenged all his followers (Mat 6.33)
Ruth Padilla Deborst, Lessons from the Global Church: Recommitment – Calling the Global Church Toward Faithfulness in Word and Deed

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The Promise of the Father—God’s mission through God’s people empowered by God’s Spirit
Over 5,000 representatives of the global church are gathered in Incheon, South Korea this week for the Fourth Lausanne Congress. And on this, the first day of the Congress, it is fitting that we look to the Holy Spirit, as we wait expectantly for what only he can do…
Let the Church declare and display Christ together’ can only be fulfilled as we recommit and resubmit to the enabling presence and power of the Holy Spirit…Today, we cannot and dare not replace fervent prayer with strategies and plans.
Femi Adeleye, Lessons from Acts: The Coming of the Promised Spirit – No Mission without Power

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