How to Change goals on Fitbit in less than 1 minute?

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When you want to make healthy changes that positively impact your life, using your Fitbit to set goals is a great idea. But, what happens once you have reached your Fitbit goals?  

Once you have reached your goals, it is time to step up and change your goals on a Fitbit activity tracker or smartwatch. Making progress is essential when you want to improve your health and continue making wellness progress. 

How to Change Goals On Fitbit

Setting personal fitness goals is very motivating whether you are just getting into exercise or is a fully-fledged exercise fanatic. 

When you first start out, finding your level is the key principle. But, when you have done that, it’s time to step things up. This is when you should start thinking about change goals on Fitbit. 

What Goals Can You Change? 

Thanks to the ingenuity of the Fitbit platform, you can change almost any goal. The principal goals you should aim for include: 

  • Distance

  • Steps

  • Calories

  • Floors Climbed

  • Active Zone Minutes

  • Weekly Active Zone Minutes

  • Water Intake

  • Exercise days

  • Weight 

  • Body fat percentage

Changing Your Goals Using the Fitbit App

On most fitness trackers, you can only change your fitness goals using the Fitbit app. Once you have reset goals, you need to sync the changes with your Fitbit

Change Goals on Fitbit App

This is how to do it in a nutshell: 

  • Go to the Fitbit app on your mobile device.

  • Tap the account tab, which is visible in the left-hand corner. 

  • Find Activity and Wellness.

  • Select Exercise, Daily Activity, Heart Settings, Nutrition & Weight, and Sleep.

  • Now you edit your Fitbit goal. If you would like to change your daily step goal, you do so through the Daily Activity tab. 

Can I Change My Fitbit Goals Using a Computer? 

Change Goals on Fitbit Desktop

Yes, and this is pretty straightforward to do. If you like to change all of your goals once a week, changing your goals on the computer is perhaps easier. 

  • Log in to Fitbit Dashboard

  • Click Settings located in the top right corner of the page. 

  • Select devices.

  • Now use Daily Goal Progress to choose the goal you would like to change. Click on the cog at the bottom of each individual box to access and change the goals.

  • The next step is to sync your device to transfer the new goal to the tracker.

What About Changing the Fitbit Main Goal? 

Change Fitbit Main Goal

No problem, resetting your main goal is easy. 

  • Start by going to the Fitbit app

  • Tap the account icon found in the top left corner. 

  • Tap on your device icon

  • Scroll down to Main Goal.

  • You can now choose between Steps, Distance, Active Minutes, Calories Burned, and Floors Climbed. 

  • Don’t forget to sync your device. 

How Do I Know If I Have Achieved My Daily Goal? 

When you have achieved one of your daily goals, your Fitbit flashes and vibrates. 

You can now review your goals for that particular activity. For instance, if you have done 10,000 steps every day for a week, you probably want to set a new goal. Monitoring the number of steps you take is a great way to track your progress and challenge yourself to cover a longer distance every day.

Think about what you need to do to achieve 15,000 steps per day. 

What Are Fitbit Badges? 

When you have achieved a daily goal, you earn Fitbit badges.  This is great for extra motivation. How many steps do you need to take to get a badge?

The fun starts from day one. When you have walked 5,000 steps in a day, you can proudly display the Boat Shoe badge. Carry on walking and try to reach 10,000 steps. Once you get to 10,000 steps, you are awarded the Sneakers badge. 

Don’t worry; you will not run out of badges soon. There are plenty of fun badges you can earn, including the Cowboy Boots app when you have walked 50,000 steps in a day. 

Your goals are added to your Fitbit profile picture.

What Is The Best Way to Interact with Fitbit? 

Using the tracker and the app to interact with the Fitbit device is great. Another way of interacting with Fitbit is using the website.  On the site, you can manage everything from sleep mode to your active minutes’ goal. Other information available includes weight goals and activity goals. Weekly goal monitoring is also available.

It is fun, and you get the chance to explore the Fitbit community simultaneously. When it comes to Fitbit, there are always new things to learn. 

Perhaps you can change goals on Fitbit while sitting at your desk at work. That way, you have new goals to look forward to when you put your sneakers on and leave work. Try to think of new ways of increasing your daily Fitbit goals. 

Final thoughts

When you need to, changing all your Fitbit goals is not difficult. You have a choice between using the tracker, app, or website. 

As far as fitness trackers go. Fitbit devices are one of the more user-friendly ways of tracking your health.