How Tight Should Apple Watch Be? [Solved]

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Every new series of the Apple Watch will add sensors and features to the previous generation making it a device that is getting difficult to remove from your wrist….except for the daily needed charge. The question of how tight it should be has been discussed for years. The band may become itchy and painful when worn too tight, and if worn too loose, the sensors may get confused. So finding the right balance is critical for benefiting accurate sensor readings while not impairing the blood flow.

This article will provide you with simple tips to follow to ensure that your Apple Watch will be adequately positioned and tightened. 

Should you Wear Your Apple Watch on Your Dominant Hand?

Wearing the Apple Watch on the dominant or non-dominant hand has also been a matter of debate since the Apple Watch Series 1 in 2015. But, contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t matter, and the Watch App includes settings to deal with any preferences you may have.

Apple always marketed with pictures of people wearing it on their left arm with the digital crown on the top right side of the watch. The Apple Watch is symmetrical and reversible. So can the orientation of the watch face and location of the digital crown.

When wearing the device on the right arm, we recommend changing the settings to reverse the display and position the digital crown on the bottom left side of the watch face. The crown will always face your hand and be easily accessible to wear on whatever the wrist.

Changing the screen’s orientation is an easy process managed inside the Watch App. on the iPhone. Just follow these steps:

  1. Open the Watch App on the Phone
  2. In the main menu, tap on “General”
  3. Select “Watch Orientation”

From this menu, select the wrist on which you want to wear the Apple Watch and change the location of the Digital Crown accordingly.

The Apple Watch sensors’ sensitivity will be modified according to the dominant or non-dominant hand. We use our dominant more than the non-dominant one, and the algorithms have to consider this when calculating activity levels.

Is It Better to Wear Your Apple Watch Loose or Tight?

As with many things in life, the truth is in the middle. 

Wearing the watch too loose will impair the detection of the sensors and lead to incorrect results or no results in the worst-case scenario.

On the contrary, wearing the watch too tight may impair blood flow impairment, pain, and potential allergic reaction to the back of the watch.

I have worn a lot of smartwatches over the years, and I can tell you that even if the materials of the watches and bands are advertised as non-allergic, smartwatch rashes are real, can be painful, and are utterly annoying.

The solution is to find the right level of tightness, remove the watch from time to time, and keep the band and watch clean.

 How to Properly Position and Tighten the Apple Watch?

Now that we know that the Apple Watch can be worn on either hand let’s get more into the details for a perfect fit.

Can you feel the protruding bone on your wrist? This is the end of the ulna and a perfect anatomical marker. As much as possible, position the Apple Watch a finger wide from this bone and tighten the band for it to move slightly. Not too much! You do not want the watch to be dangling around but slightly. If you can push the tip of your index underneath the watch but still feel some resistance, you should be good to go!.

While exercising, the band should be tightened a little more, not enough to impair the blood flow, but enough to keep the watch and sensors in place while you run and sweat.

Don’t forget to loosen the band a little bit at the end of your jog or workout.

Why Does My Wrist Hurt When Wearing an Apple Watch?

If your wrist hurts while wearing your Apple Watch, it could be linked to 2 reasons.

The first is that the band is too tight and impairs the blood flow. Just loosen it.

The second is that the band is too loose and will rub against the skin leading to irritations.

There is a third reason that can be more problematic. You may be allergic to one of the constituents of either the watch or the band. Apple conducted numerous tests and research that the devices were exempt from most components inducing allergic reactions, but they somehow still contain two: Nickel and Acrylates.

Nickle is mainly found in magnets or locking mechanisms of the Hermes Band. Considering the price of this premium edition of the Apple Watch, we recommend that you ensure that you are not suffering from hypersensitivity to this metal. 

Be vigilant when buying bands from third parties. Some manufacturers may not be as vigilant as Apple regarding the chemical components they use.

If you ensured that the watch was adequately positioned and tightened and still suffered from rashes and pain, we recommend removing the watch for some time and looking for a band more suitable to your specific skin type.

How Can I Make My Apple Watch More Comfortable?

We like breaded bands. We found that bands made of silicone tend to irritate our skin. Assuming that your Apple Watch is appropriately positioned and tightened, a couple of tips to consider are the followings:

  • Remove your watch from time to time to let your skin breathe.
  • Clean both the back of the watch and the band regularly
  • Do not wear your watch while showering. It can leave water or soap residues that will lead to irritation.

To Wrap Up

Positioning the Apple Watch is an art, but you will instinctively know where and how tight it should be in just a couple of days, depending on your activity level and skin type.

While exercising, do not forget to tighten it for the sensors to detect the heartbeat properly.

Overall, and compared to other smartwatches, the Apple Watch offers an impressive number of bands that will help you find the one that will be the most comfortable for you.