Ancient architecture, museums filled with historic artefacts and art, telling stories of great minds from long ago, and cities which were home to the early church, Europe stands the test of time. However, the birthplace of Christendom has wandered from her first love, and many churches have slowly dwindled in Europe’s now largely post-Christian culture. Christianity remains Europe’s largest religion, thanks to the influence of Catholicism, but it lacks the zeal and fervour it once boasted. Secularism is particularly prevalent in the western half of the continent, and the eastern half is dominated by the Orthodox church and Islam.
God is still building his church in Europe and reviving faith in himself. Opportunities for the church in Europe include the mass migration of immigrants, particularly from conflict zones. Many of these foreigners come from countries that are closed to the gospel and others bring the gospel with them. There remains the need for collaborative efforts in the workplace and creative ways to re-evangelise a nation which was the first missionary sending nation. Host to The First International Congress on World Evangelization in 1974, the Lausanne Movement continues to provide a platform for networking, collaboration and strengthening of the church in Europe as the Spirit of God revives this region through the gospel.
Welcome from Our Regional Directors
Pray for our work in Europe
- Raising up the next generation – Pray that many of the next generation would come to know and love Jesus and be passionate about their witness to the world.
- The refugee crisis and opportunities for the church – Pray for God’s will to be done through the refugee crisis, as many opportunities are opened for Europe to evangelise the nations, as well as the refreshment many refugees bring to stagnant European churches.
- Spiritual wisdom and revelation of God – Pray that God may grant us spiritual wisdom and revelation in our knowledge of him, so that we may know the hope of his calling, the wealth of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and the incomparable greatness of his power toward all those who believe. (Ephesians 1:17;19)

Regional Directors
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