Collaborative Action

What if we could accelerate the fulfilment of the Great Commission together like Nehemiah completed the walls around Jerusalem?

Collaborative Action Teams exist to address the lack of collaboration in the global church and facilitate the right connections to resources. We do this in line with Lausanne’s fourfold vision, with the goal of accelerating global mission and fulfilling the great commission.


Nehemiah’s first goal was to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. A great variety of people participated in the project to rebuild the walls all with the common goal—closing the gaps in the wall for the defence and flourishing of the city. Just as Nehemiah united Israel to rebuild the wall, the Lausanne Movement seeks to invite the global church for kingdom work through an initiative called Collaborative Action Teams.

Global listening calls were initiated in 2020 with the goal of discerning what the most significant missional gaps and remaining opportunities are in the global church. Collaborative Action Teams seek to address the gaps and seize the opportunities that were identified by the listening call process.

The Listening Process


Collaborative Action Teams mission is to see Christians in every sphere of society activated toward fulfilling the call of the Great Commission Jesus gave his church in Matthew 28.

We are committed to seeking the spiritual and social flourishing of people everywhere. Together, we stand against the stubborn negative realities and challenges the global church faces, and we pursue unity with church, marketplace, non-profit organisation and government leaders with the common goal of seeing the gospel flourish in our local context.

So we rebuilt the wall till all of it reached half its height, for the people worked with all their heart.

Nehemiah 4:6

How Is this Achieved?

We believe that this can only be accomplished in the context of Jesus’ prayer in John 17.

We believe we are better together and aspire to build deeper relationships and explore opportunities for synergy and collaboration.

We commit to actively seek to remove duplication and silo’s as we humbly seek to celebrate others doing well and collaborate to address challenges facing the global church.

Together we believe the advancement of the gospel can be accelerated with leaders from all over the world addressing this same challenge, sharing best practices, ideas and challenges.

Collaborative Action Teams Commitment

Key to achieving these goals is being united by the Collaborative Action Teams Commitment which is a resource for thousands of groups around the world who commit to collaborative action together. The Collaborative Action Teams Commitment will be publicly presented at the Seoul-Incheon 2024 Congress.

Seoul-Incheon 2024

Collaborative Action Leadership Forum

The Collaborative Action Leadership Forum was established in 2023 in order to facilitate and support the mobilisation of Collaborative Action Teams in their regions and environments.


The global act team is co-led by
Jiyoung Yoo and Jurie Kriel.

Adnan Azhar Sandhu

Christeen Rico 

Sherol Chen 

Michael Kaspar 

Mark Visvasam

Jennifer Brown 

Kevin Lee 

Ulrich Lombard