This gathering, which provided a space for critical and constructive perspectives on the 25 Great Commission Gaps from our different global contexts, took place on 09 September at 13:00 EST | 17:00 GMT.
Four invited speakers gave their view on:
- the good things the Gaps highlight
- important areas the Gaps hide or do not address
- a few things that their local contexts could contribute to enrich the conversation about the role of the church in God’s mission in the world.
There was also time for all participants to respond to the presentations and share their own ideas, thoughts, and feelings with one another in small groups.
We hope that this gathering will start several local and international conversations around the State of the Great Commission Report and the need to continually dialogue about mission and our role in it.
After the meeting, it is planned to gather these ideas and put together a document offering a collective response to the State of the Great Commission Report, particularly an analysis of the Gaps.