The Lausanne Generations Conversation (LGC23) was a unique on-site gathering of individuals from across generations, geographies, and missional interests. LGC23 provided insight, models, and best practices for intentional intergenerational connecting, convening, communities, and collaboration for global mission throughout the Movement in the coming decades.
Participants engaged in dynamic mission-focused conversations that led to the following outcomes:
- Strengthened vision of intergenerational relationships and partnerships as part of the Lausanne 4 process.
- Lasting intergenerational friendships that are mutually encouraging.
- Production of a guide to support intergenerational connection within global, regional, and issue network gatherings from a biblical worldview and in alignment with the Lausanne mission
Following LGC23, a document was put together outlining the ‘pitfalls’, ‘principles’, ‘postures’, and ‘practices’ that emerged as a direct synthesis of the participant and table group reflections during the gathering.

Who attended LGC23?
The LGC23 selection team prayerfully selected 120 Christian leaders with specific characteristics and demographics who were nominated by Lausanne leaders. This group of participants aided in curating a diverse and dynamic mission-focused conversation that provided insight, models, and best practices for intentional intergenerational connecting, convening, communities, and collaboration for global mission throughout the Movement in the coming decades. You can review the selection criteria here.