Fostering Leadership through Intergenerational Discipleship

The sixth day of the Fourth Lausanne Congress in Incheon, South Korea, focused on leadership and the importance of intergenerational discipleship. Younger generations met with more experienced leaders to cultivate relationships that will continue beyond the walls of the Songdo Convensia. A call for the global community to engage intentionally in mentoring and collaboration was emphasised multiple times throughout the day.
Regional meetings also took place, providing participants with opportunities to connect and make strategic plans for their respective contexts. The evening concluded with speakers sharing personal stories around the topic of conflict and reconciliation, such as war and trafficking, followed by a call to action for believers to demonstrate love and compassion across all areas of society through both words and deeds.
Yet for all our diversity, there is only one kind of Christian who is able to carry forward the Great Commission. There is only one kind of preacher or proclaimer, one kind of pastor or church planter, one kind of mission strategist or marketplace mobilizer who is able to do the true work of evangelism anywhere in this world: someone who embraces Christlike servanthood as a way of life.
Philip Ryken, Lessons from Acts: Christlike Servanthood
“One generation will commend your works to another” … so that the world may know Christ.
Ole-Magnus Olafsrud, Missional Engagement: God’s Mission Through Intergenerational Disciples

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The Syrian War: To Live or To Leave?
At the age of 39 years, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German Lutheran pastor, paid the highest price for his faith. In the context of a country under the oppressive rule of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, he offered an anti-Nazi, radical, and non-compromising ministry. Accused of his association with…
My encouragement to senior leaders in the room is this – we need you. It is impossible for this emerging generation to fulfil the call of God without experienced leaders who are willing to be a shade over our boldness and who will intercede for our healing.
Sam Cooper, Missional Engagement: God’s Mission Through Intergenerational Disciples

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